
Welcome to Coffee Shop Works. We try to build easy-to-use IPhone/IPod/IPad apps that make the world a better place.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

XStitcherCC (Crescent Colours) Released ! Keep track of all those splendid Crescent Colour Floss !!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Crescent Colors app in testing

Crescent Colors app (XStitcherCC) is in testing. Will be submitted in a couple of days. Juts verifying that I have all the correct images.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

XStitcher 3.1 Released

XStitcher 3.1 Released - Delete button for projects (the trash can in the corner), inventory counts on projects, added satin thread series, added Anchor -> DMC conversion (off of the Matcher screen)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Small patch for XStitcher, and Silk Ribbons, maybe....

XStitcher 3.1 with a delete button for projects and Anchor conversions coming this week.

If I made a Silk Ribbons inventory app for Thread Gatherer and YLI, would anyone buy it?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tasker Released

Do you get stressed out by what needs to be done? Do you forget to do things, or put them off,
until they pile up and overwhelm you?

Six tips to managing your time and reducing stress:

- Get organized
- Create a task list
- Prioritize ruthlessly
- Set time limits for tasks
- Stop procrastinating
- If a task is too big, divide it into smaller tasks and do those instead

Task Manager is designed to enable you to manage your time effectively by giving you a simple
tool to organize, prioritize and manage your tasks.

Stop procrastinating. Stop letting tasks pile up until they overwhelm you. Get organized !

Task Manager Features:

- Create tasks with start dates, end dates, title and description
- Tasks can repeat daily, weekly, or monthly
- Tasks can have child tasks
- Tasks can have tags (custom tags created by user) which allow filtering
- Tasks may be filtered by status (completed or not) or tags

Child Tasks:

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." - Henry Ford

- You can create child tasks for a task
- If parent task gets completed, children get completed as well
- Allows you to break up big jobs into multiple small jobs, organized together


- Create your own custom tags
- Filter by your custom tags

Monday, April 25, 2011

XStitcher 3.0 Released

XStitcher 3.0 Released !!!

Please note that the method of marking if you own a floss has changed (changed for the first time ever). Instead of tapping a row to add, tap the box, and type in any two digit number. Swipe to delete is now enter 0 to delete :). No more swipe to delete :). You can also add inventory from matcher, mystash screens as now as well.

Allowed numeric entry of quantity, replacing 1-2-3 checkmarks
Added descriptions for color variation floss
Added descriptions for Light effects floss
Divided Light effects floss into groups by type
Fixed a number of memory errors

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

XStitcher for Hand Dyed Fibres (HDF) for sale

Are you one of those cross stitchers who can never keep track of all your FLOSS? This app allows you to keep track of which Hand Dyed Fibers FLOSS you own. Over 400 Hand Dyed Fibers colours are shown in easy to access lists, with a colour image of the FLOSS as well as a brief description. A simple tap marks the FLOSS as one you own.

Your inventory of Hand Dyed Fibers will always be with you!

Supports Hand Dyed Fibers Floss..

Track inventory of Hand Dyed Fibers Floss
Search (by description) Floss
Keep a shopping list
Projects, floss per project
My stash - see (on one screen) all the Floss you have

Friday, February 18, 2011

XStitcher Specialty for sale

Are you one of those cross stitchers who can never keep track of all your FLOSS? This app allows you to keep track of which Gentle Arts Sampler Thread and Weeks Dye Works FLOSS you own. All the GAST and WDW colours are shown in easy to access lists, with a colour image of the FLOSS as well as a brief description. A simple tap marks the FLOSS as one you own.

As well, this app allows you to enter a shopping list. Grab your pattern, and add the GAST or WDW codes to your shopping list.

Your inventory of FLOSS will always be with you!

Supports Gentle Arts Sampler Threads and Weeks Dye Works Floss.

Track inventory of Gentle Arts Sampler Thread and Weeks Dye Works Floss
Search (by description) Floss
Keep a shopping list
Projects, floss per project
My stash - see (on one screen) all the Floss you have

XStitcher for Anchor 2.5 Released

My stash feature -consolidate what you own on one list
Added 11 missing colours
Sorted shopping list
"Add project"button only shows if projects exist
Help text moved from stand alone page to more contextual help
Improved display of project description

Friday, February 11, 2011

XStitcher 2.5 Released

On the inventory screen, only show P (Project button) if there was actually projects defined. Hitting the P with no projects defined was confusing some users. So now, if you have no projects, the P button does not show and there is much more room to tap to add inventory.

Friday, February 4, 2011

XStitcher 2.4 out today

Shopping list now sorted numerically
Help instructions on shopping list
Empty shopping list displays correctly now
Matcher duplicates eliminated
Project description now shows correctly

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Release Schedule

After much deliberation,here is the plan:
1) XStitcher for GAST and WDW
2) XStitcher for HDF
3) XStitcher (for DMC) 3.0 -> Corrected iPad interface, need to figure out multi-device strategy
4) XStitcher for Anchor 3.0 -> Corrected iPad interface, addition of the my stash feature
5) Add some form of calculator to all XStitcher apps
6) Crescent Colours.....

Had to split off HDF onto it's own app - I try to keep the apps to approx. 500 floss, because of memory/disk constraints. GAST has about 200, WDW about 200, but HDF seems to have about 500 by itself.

I should be able to submit the GAST and WDW version by Monday, which means it will be available for purchase around Valentine's day. HDF version should be ready for submission a week later, so it can probably be purchased around the 21st.

I am then going to focus on fixing the iPad UI for all the apps. I didn't realize I had so may iPad users. Once I've done that I'll get to some of the more recent suggestions - such as Crescent colours, etc. I do get to most things eventually, it just takes awhile - getting all the images together takes a while.

Thanks for all the feedback !!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Beaster 2.3 Released

Beaster 2.3 Finally Released - first update to Beadster since the original. Added "My stash", Projects, fixed some errors in the lists.